Rocco Siffredi gives exclusive interview to Euro X News Rocco Siffredi gives exclusive interview to Euro X News

Rocco Siffredi drops bombshells in revealing interview

Welcome to another episode of Euro X News. I’m your host Tommy Sy, and today I have a very special guest, an old friend of mine who’s been in this business for about 40 years. He’s the man, he’s the legend, Rocco Siffredi. (The interview was originally conducted in Italian, and you can check it out on our YouTube channel. But now, we’ve brought you the transcript in English!)

Rocco: Thank you for that nice introduction.

Tommy: Hey Rocco. How are you?
Rocco: Good, thanks. I appreciate you conducting this in Italian; I feel more relaxed. My English has deteriorated with age.

Tommy: To tell you the truth, this is a bit special for me because we’ve known each other for at least 20 years. We’ve worked together, seen our kids grow up, and always talked on set about work. I wanted to ask you some questions that maybe even I don’t know the answers to.
Rocco: Let’s hope so, though you already know a lot about me.

Tommy: You’ve come a long way from the ’80s until today. If you hadn’t become a porn actor, what would you have done?
Rocco: Good question. I started as a waiter, and since my whole family works in the restaurant business, I thought I’d do the same. Actually, my childhood dream was to become a pilot – helicopter or airplane. But we didn’t have the money, so it was difficult. I followed my vocation and managed to get my pilot’s license later when I had the financial means. I would have surely followed my family’s path: waiter, restaurant owner, and so on. It’s a very tiring job and less pleasant than the one I chose.

Rocco Siffredi during Euro X News interview

Tommy: Many say that pornography destroys the soul, both for women and men. What do you think about this? Some people say they had a very difficult childhood.
Rocco: It’s not just about childhood. I believe there are two different aspects: pornography that destroys your soul and pornography that doesn’t. The soul-destroying part can be true when one works with sex – regardless of whether it’s porn, prostitution, or films – without motivation or vocation, only for reasons like making money or becoming famous. In those cases, you hurt yourself.

But if your dream is to explore sexuality, have fun, and make it your job, doing it well and properly, it’s the most beautiful thing there is. For me, it was like that because I had a vocation.

Unfortunately, what you’re saying is true in some cases. I’ve seen many women who start super convinced and then slowly clash with reality. Society doesn’t always reward us; we represent, willingly or unwillingly, that animal part that each of us needs when we have to masturbate. As soon as you’ve finished, that part is over. It’s even worse for women because all men would want a porn star for a night or a week, but not to marry her. This is the real problem for these girls.

My advice is always to be careful. Porn can be something super cool, but it can also become a curse. I always ask people who tell me they want to do porn: “Why do you want to do it?” If they say it’s for the money or fame, I tell them to change their path. But if they feel a vocation inside, I say come, and you can even do it for free. At the beginning, I said to my mom, “Wow, they even pay me to have sex.”

This is the secret to starting this job. But if you start only to make money, it’s normal that there’s a flip side to the coin. At the beginning, you see everything as beautiful, and then you clash with all the problems we’ve had.

Tommy: You talked about vocation. Do you think that 20-30 years ago, it was different for guys who started doing porn?
Rocco: Back then, it was only about vocation. If you didn’t have it, you went home. There was no calling dad, uncle, or a friend for help. I remember in the ’80s, the French were always ready to put you down. So what did you do? You always had to remember that you should die but never give up. That was a matter of pride. The real leading actors and professionals of the time had only one goal: never let the director remember the day when you couldn’t perform. Today, it’s different.

Tommy: Tell me three differences.
Rocco: The first is absolutely the mode of sexuality. Once, we did what people more or less did at home. Then slowly, they got used to what we did, and we started with more extreme stuff: anal, small double penetrations. Today, thanks to modern porn – which includes all the doping injections, hydraulic implants, everything one can do to have a sure erection without any problem – porn has become extreme.

It might seem strange for me to talk about extreme porn since I’m known for inventing it, but I did it with content, with a reason. There was a motivation, a whole story created. Today, it’s just the sale of data. It’s no longer pornography; it’s what people are interested in watching, and we produce that. This attitude has created a lot of extreme porn, which I don’t share because I always like a storyline.

I’ve always needed to understand why a woman is going to perform a certain act, why a scene starts. There must be a reason. If there’s no why, it’s very complicated for me to get into it. Today, thanks to the internet, the why is no longer important, and this has somewhat destroyed modern pornography.

So, three steps:

1) The ’80s-’90s were romantic. You went on set and argued about when to start the actual sex scenes because you did two-three scenes a week in big movies.

2) Then we moved to the video era where you started to have physical efforts. We went from the ’80s-’90s where every 10 minutes on film, we had to stop and change the film, to 30-minute videos, then always longer.

3) Today, with hard drives, we have two-hour, three-hour shoots, cameras that never stop, requiring incredible performances. If you’re not an athlete today, you can’t do porn. The porn star of today is an athlete, not just a porn star.

Tommy: If I remember correctly, back then porn was a much more closed world than today.
Rocco: Yes, it was ghettoized, super ghettoized. It was very difficult to enter. There were no Eros salons, just the porn Oscars in Las Vegas. But for me, coming from Ortona, Italy, who wanted to enter, where could I go? Swinger clubs.

Tommy: So tell me something. What has porn given you and what has it taken away from your life?
Rocco: Porn has given me everything that was in my childhood dreams. I wanted to be a porn star when I grew up, and I managed to become not just a porn star, but the porn star. I don’t think there’s anyone who has won all those awards in those years. As for what it has taken away, everything it could have taken away.

Actually, I thought I wouldn’t have a family, but I do. I thought I wouldn’t find a woman who understood my work, but I found her. I thought I had to make a life choice where there was no one who would do anything for me, where I didn’t become a well-rounded man. For me, being well-rounded means being a man, having the sex life I dreamed of, but also being a dad and having a family. I managed to have it all. Maybe I was lucky, maybe also good, but I don’t think that goodness here is enough; I also had luck.

Tommy: We should also explain to people that it’s not true that you can’t have a family in this world. You know many actors and actresses who have families.
Rocco: They do have them, but it’s not simple. You know too that it’s not simple. There are already problems in normal families, and today 90% of families that get together divorce, so for porn stars, it’s even more complicated. Why? Because it’s not easy to maintain the relationship. When you wake up in the morning and say, “Honey, I’m going to work,” whether it’s him or her, it’s very complicated.

I’ve carried 30 years of guilt because even today, after 30 years, I’ve never understood if my wife truly understood what I was going to do. Even if she understood, I’ve always put myself in her shoes and wondered how much she suffers. This has brought me all the imbalances I’ve had in my life towards her because, for me, marriage is something important. If I decide to make a family with a person, it’s not a game.

I have to make sure that person is living a calm and balanced life, and I have to do everything for this to happen. This is my approach. This for me is the basis; if I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have had guilt. So what I want to say is, yes, it’s possible to have a family in this industry. There are those who have succeeded, but unfortunately, there are also those who haven’t made it. It’s debatable whether it’s better to have a partner who does your job or one who doesn’t – there are pros and cons on both sides.

Tommy: So you say years ago you started the Porn Academy. For what reason?
Rocco: To give dreams. I had a real dream, and I wondered where to go, who to call, how to do it. Before the ’80s, when I was twelve, I found this magazine called Super Sex, and it was porn. Of course, at twelve I couldn’t do anything, nor at thirteen or fifteen, but the dream didn’t even arrive at eighteen. It arrived at twenty in a public place, doing swinging out of curiosity.

I started the Academy to give dreams to those who, like me, want but can’t. Later, I continued for another reason: to make people understand well what porn is about, not just the chatter. Someone can tell you, “Ah, pornography is all easy, go,” there are ten beautiful women, ready, legs open, you arrive and have fun. No, it’s not like that. I wanted people to make the right decision, not waste time because sometimes one can have a negative idea of porn due to wrong information, or a positive one, but still with the wrong information.

The most beautiful thing about the Academy is that in ten years, I’ve met guys who did the Academy, and I hadn’t realized it. I find them in clubs or other places, and they tell me, “Rocco, I hadn’t come to be a porn star. I had come because I had shyness problems, I was insecure, I couldn’t manage myself in relationships with women.” And I was left speechless.

He said, “Rocco, I never wanted to tell you, but my reason for coming to the Academy wasn’t to be a porn star. It was totally different – it was for my life, for my personality.” And here I said to myself, the Academy has won, because being a porn star for the Academy was the first assumption, but it became the last. It became about self-esteem, about being sure of yourself.

This is an unbeatable thing, so for me, the central part of the Academy today is to give people the possibility to use it on a personal level. Whether they want to be a porn star, improve in bed, or be a better lover, it’s about sex, and we teach real sex.

Tommy: If someone wanted to participate, what should they do and what will they get in return?
Rocco: That’s a very important question. Today, we have an online platform, which makes it extremely simple. They sign up, check out the course through the community, and if they’re convinced, they pay for the course. But it’s not just 500 or 1,000 videos because there’s a continuous upgrade of videos, courses, and situations. There’s a community, so within this, it becomes almost a family where they get all the possible and imaginable information to make a perfect journey.

But when I say perfect, it doesn’t mean you’ll automatically become a porn star. That depends on your vocation, your dedication, your perseverance. When I started, I started with three things: passion, humility, and a sense of humor. But I’ve made those my brand because I’ve added vocation and perseverance. It’s very important because if you don’t really want to do it, how can you find the stimulus and perseverance to insist? You’ll surely have moments when there are problems to overcome, and with perseverance, you can overcome them.

So, if someone buys the course, will they become a porn actor? Nothing is certain in life. The sure thing is that they will have the right information, they will have everything that comes from 40 years of experience with people who work with us, like Eric Everard, Valentina Nappi, Malena, all people who have had this experience and that I consider genuine.

What we propose isn’t mechanical sex. We don’t just teach you to have sex; we teach you the approach. For me, the most important thing is absolutely the approach. When they arrive on set, what do we tell these guys? Have sex like you do at home, start like that, look for the connection. Don’t just start thinking, “I want to do this, I want to do that.” No, start by getting into the mood of reality.

For me, sex is the only form of art that can’t be acted, and I’m ultra convinced of this. I would never have become Siffredi if I hadn’t embraced this conviction. Many years ago in America, I broke a mechanism; that’s how I became famous. I had the guts to break the routine of girls who would do everything and scream even with a limp penis. They were acting, but for me, this has been a way of thinking that brought out my personality.

How do you become a true, real, authentic porn actor? If you have personality. But is personality enough? No, because then you need knowledge. But how do you get knowledge? You’ve got to put yourself out there, keep at it, persevere. All of this comes together.

My question to these guys wanting to enter porn is: Why do you want to enter porn? What do you have that’s different from the thousands of scenes already on the sites? You need to tell me what you have that’s unique. I’ll teach you everything you need, but then you’ve got to bring it. That’s why I say, will they become a porn actor? Only they know, depending on how much they want to realize that dream.

Everything can be learned. If you had seen me at the start, do you know how long I lasted in front of Michel Rigaud? Three seconds. That should tell you that when you talk to me about that today, I say, with all that I teach these guys – and you know because you are on set – the guys use their brains, they never lose focus on what they’re doing. I always say, use your brain and divide it into parts: the girl, the direction, the creativity, the position, the lighting, the camera. But everything I’m telling you, all this can be learned.

Back in the ’90s, the Americans, the directors, and the actresses never knew what I was going to do next. I already had my plan of what I was going to do. I absolutely had to make sure everything I did surprised them, but at the same time, I didn’t mess up. If you do something out of the light or out of shot, they stop you. So, I did everything with a lot of concentration but left them guessing. It’s here that I became Siffredi.

It’s not one scene that makes you a top performer; it’s many scenes. You’ve got to bring your level so high that people say, “No, it’s not possible, it’s unbelievable.” But all this can be learned. And I tell you the truth, the guys who decide to do this kind of activity, as far as I’m concerned, if they start understanding just 10% of this mechanism, even if they decide to quit porn, they carry this experience forward forever in their private lives.

The academy forms groups, people stay together, live a unique experience – an experience you don’t live outside. And that’s also the beautiful part of the academy. Whether they become porn stars depends on them. All I can tell you is that I’ll open the door and show you what’s done in real porn.

Tommy: Another very important thing: are physique and penis size important?
Rocco: Both physique and penis size are important. The penis is more photogenic, actually, but don’t forget it needs a lot of blood flow. It’s more visible when it’s soft because it bends. Having a large penis definitely helps. It’s pointless to deny that Siffredi wouldn’t have become Siffredi without it.

As for physique, the initial idea is that anyone can do porn, meaning any body type can start. But if you grow, become important and in demand, then no. At that point, nutrition and physicality become crucial because the rhythms change, the performances change. Sometimes you need to be on set for hours in a scene, and if you’re not physically prepared, it becomes very difficult to start a scene at your peak and maintain it. Your breath gives out, you lose everything, and you get stressed. So even if you start out great, you can quickly end up struggling.

All it takes is some healthy eating and specific exercises for porn, which are primarily aerobic. You don’t need super muscular legs; that can even be worse because they don’t film well.

Tommy: If I remember correctly, in the ’80s it was different. You didn’t really learn the trade, did you?
Rocco: To tell you the truth, in the ’80s, directing didn’t count much. When a director told you, “I want this and that,” you were just a prop. The actresses were the ones who mattered; they were the most important. Then, little by little, it changed. I worked with the greatest directors in the world. They’d say, “Rocco, do this, do that.” But inside me, there was something I still had to bring out, something original of mine.

Let’s always go back to personality. You invented something else. The idea I invented… My son Lorenzo, he’s much smarter than me. I’ve sent blood up and down for too long; not much reached up there. So he’s really incredible. He’s the one who wanted the platform. I also had the idea of the academy together with Gabriele, but Eltx is basically a way to bypass all the problems.

Let’s be honest, today there are too many restrictions. Everything has changed; you can’t do much anymore. It’s become so complicated. Lorenzo said, “Dad, let’s create a virtual currency to bypass all this.” It’s not simple because everything crypto is very trendy, very fashionable, but then the actual use is complex. So we adapted Eltx to the platform. The real use will be the community. When it’s all integrated together, it should be a super feature.

Tommy: Okay, if I remember correctly, you wrote two books, right? And they made a ton of documentaries about your life. You did “Casa Siffredi,” which I’m very proud of because it gave me a small part. Then there’s this super thing that’s a worldwide success, and now you’ve started doing theater. What more can you show or give to people?
Rocco: But theater, I must say, is something I’ve had inside me for quite a while. For a long time, I’ve had the desire to tell my own story. You said it well. Through many people, many visions, my story has been told. But I thought, “Damn, I’d like to tell my own story a bit.” Without going through actors who have been great. All very, very good. Incredible direction, even in the French documentary “Rocco,” the first one. Beautiful. But I wanted to come out and tell very personal anecdotes. Then my personal things that no one knows. And tell it lightly, without weighing it down. Because, unfortunately, everything that’s been done about me was often dark and difficult. It’s like the great Galetta would say, “Ah, did they forget?” Thirty years of fucking and fun that we had together. Here, in this show, I remember these fun moments. They weren’t always easy. Sometimes difficult, but with a lot of lightness. Much more relaxed. And I must tell you, it’s a beautiful experience. Because the one-on-one relationship with the real audience. The fans who come to see you. It’s really beautiful. I like it a lot.

Tommy: But tell me a bit, just to imagine all this. You’re on stage.
Rocco: Yes, it’s a monologue. A monologue of an hour and a half. With photos and videos. While I’m talking, the moments I’ve talked about appear. I mean, I’m talking. And then there’s a really cool final surprise. Because Rosetta appears. Her too. And this is perhaps the most beautiful part of this whole story. And being able to involve Rosa. To be a part of it. Bring her out of the shadows. And put her where she deserves to be. Up front and center. Because I must say that she gave me great, great, great strength. She was truly a fantastic woman.

Tommy: Let’s go back a bit to pornography. We know that porn is always changing, and now, for a couple of years, OnlyFans has arrived, which has made an impact. OnlyFans has also changed porn. What do you think about OnlyFans?
Rocco: In my opinion, all new platforms are fashionable; they come and go. They start, they change. Porn will always remain porn for me. I’ll tell you right away what I think: they’re great opportunities. OnlyFans and all the platforms have created, as you said before, a sea of more people working in our sector. They’ve given many more possibilities to many people to enter our sector. It’s not so difficult anymore to be a porn star because if you go on OnlyFans, all you need is a phone, and they’ll let you perform on your own.

But I wouldn’t call it pornography, I wouldn’t. I’d say that a real porn star can do OnlyFans, but an OnlyFans creator or a content creator can’t necessarily be a porn star. This is the big difference: we really have the knowledge of what it means to have sex in front of the camera, to do it properly with the right timing and positions. Someone who improvises on OnlyFans is selling something else; it’s not the same thing.

We, to tell you the truth, without hypocrisy, embrace everything in the academy. The online academy also embraces the world of OnlyFans. If you want to come, we tell you how to approach that world too in the right direction because the problem is always just one: wrong information. In my opinion, the basic training of a porn star is the best thing because you have everything inside you. You have a 360-degree vision when you face OnlyFans. You have fun, you don’t even stress much, it’s very easy.

Tommy: Now the time has come to do a little quiz, very simple: 10 questions, and you should answer as quickly as possible. The first question: a beautiful one or one who knows what she’s doing?
Rocco: One who knows what she’s doing. All my life with the less attractive ones, you have the best experiences.

Tommy: Young or MILF?
Rocco: I have to tell you that I have a bit of trouble with young ones lately, better MILF.

Tommy: Anal or vaginal?

Tommy: Anal or DP?
Rocco: DP is a gift for the woman, so as I’m always for giving gifts to women, their pleasure comes first and then mine. If they like DP, then DP FOREVER!

Tommy: I already know the answer to this question: hairy or shaved?
Rocco: ’80s, come on! VINTAGE!

Tommy: Submissive or dominant?
Rocco: My natural inclination is to be on top because I like giving pleasure. But if a woman enjoys dominating me a bit, I find it fun. I’m not a great passive partner, but if I really like the girl, I can be dominated.

Tommy: Watch OnlyFans content or traditional porn?
Rocco: OnlyFans isn’t the same as professional porn for me. It’s more like watching any amateur content, which I find boring. I’m a true pornographer. As for natural or with silicone, nature remains the basis of life for me. But I don’t dismiss anything entirely.

Tommy: One-on-one or threesome?
Rocco: I’m the king of threesomes. I’ve won a billion awards for that. It gives you the opportunity to be very creative. But one-on-one with the right person is unbeatable because all your energy is directed in a single direction. So, I’d say one-on-one in private, threesome in porn.

Tommy: Do you prefer a porn actress or someone outside the industry?
Rocco: It depends on the personality. There are great porn actresses who can have fun and be real, and there are people outside the industry who are more fake than porn actresses. It really depends on the individual.

Tommy: Before we finish this podcast, an important question: What effective advice would you give to those who want to start in this industry, both women and men?
Rocco: Let’s go back to the basics: awareness. Do you really want to do this? Because if not, we go back to all those things you mentioned earlier about destroying your soul. I’m also a sixty-year-old family man, so I can’t just tell a girl or a guy, “Come on, come on, it’ll all be beautiful, all fantastic.” No, it can become terrible, it can become hell inside your head if you don’t do it with the right dedication and conviction.

The first thing here is conviction. Do you really want to do this? Because once you start working with sex, they say you get your hands dirty and you can’t wash them clean again. In the digital world, those images stay forever. It’s useless to talk about OnlyFans – OnlyFans is still digital, it’s still on the web. So that’s all BS. This is the real advice.

Tommy: Great, Rocco.
Rocco: Great, Tommy.

Tommy: Thanks for coming.
Rocco: I haven’t come yet. One, two, three, like Jean-Pierre Armand used to do. “How many? Give me the second, and you go.” Him with John Leslie.

Let me tell you this story. It was in Rome, in the ’80s, Christopher Clarke was also there. Jean-Pierre says to John Leslie, “John, tell me, tell me. 3, 2, 1, and I’ll do it.” And John goes, “What the fuck can you say if I count 3?” 3, 2, 1, you said 3, you said 2, you said 1, and he came on the table. We stood up and said, “Guys, this is the crazy king.” These were the real convictions and problems of ’80s porn – there were no problems.

But hey, if you thought this was awesome, you’ve gotta check out the full video interview on our YouTube channel. It’s in Italian, so you’ll get to hear Rocco in his native tongue, and trust me, it’s even more entertaining. Just click the link below and prepare to have your mind blown. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell to stay up to date with all our juicy content. Peace out!


And that’s a wrap, folks! We’ve just taken a wild ride through the crazy world of porn with the one and only Rocco Siffredi. From his early days as a waiter to becoming a living legend, this dude’s seen it all. He dropped some serious knowledge about the industry, its ups and downs, and what it really takes to make it in the biz. Whether you’re thinking about joining the adult industry or just want to hear some insane stories, Rocco’s got you covered.

Check out BrillBabes – they’re the hottest thing since Siffredi himself! These smokin’ babes are waiting to rock your world. Don’t miss out on the action – click now and thank us later!

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