Nelly Kent posing on a bed in black lingerine. Nelly Kent posing on a bed in black lingerine.

Nelly Kent uncensored: 20 Q&A-s that’ll make you blush

Hey there, adult entertainment enthusiasts! Welcome back to another sizzling episode of our show where we dive deep into the lives and experiences of the hottest stars in the industry. Today, we’re in for a real treat as we sit down with the stunning Nelly Kent, a Romanian beauty who’s taken the porn world by storm.

Model Memoir Nelly, it’s fantastic to have you here! I’ve got to say, your energy is absolutely contagious. How are you feeling today?
Nelly Kent: Hey there! I’m feeling amazing, thanks for asking. I’m so excited to be here! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Model Memoir: Okay, now let’s start at the beginning of your journey. I’m dying to know how a girl from Romania ended up as one of the most sought-after performers in the adult industry. Can you take us back to where it all began?
Nelly Kent: Of course! I actually started as a webcam girl. As I explored that world, I discovered there was so much more to the adult industry. I became particularly interested in performing in porn films. It was like a whole new universe opened up to me, and I couldn’t wait to dive in!

Model Memoir: That’s fascinating! Was there a specific moment that made you decide to pursue this career?
Nelly Kent: You know, it wasn’t really one specific moment. It was more of a gradual realization. As I continued webcamming, I found myself craving more excitement and variety. I’ve always had a high sex drive, and I felt like I couldn’t fully express that through webcamming or even in my personal life. When the opportunity to join the porn industry came up, it just felt right. It was like everything clicked into place.

Model Memoir: I love how you followed your passion. Now, let’s talk about your stage name. How did you come up with it, and does it have any special meaning?
Nelly Kent: Well, the “Nelly” part is actually pretty simple. It’s just the English version of my real Romanian name, Nela. As for “Kent,” I left that up to my agent. He chose it, and I liked how it sounded with Nelly. So, Nelly Kent was born!

Model Memoir: That’s a great name! Does it reflect any part of your personality?
Nelly Kent: You know, I’ve never really thought about it that way. I suppose “Nelly” does capture my playful side. And “Kent” sounds strong and confident, which are qualities I try to embody in my work. So maybe it does reflect my personality more than I realized! ๐Ÿ˜„

Nelly Kent being interviewed.

Model Memoir: That’s really cool how it all came together. So, what was the main reason you chose to do porn?
Nelly Kent: As I mentioned earlier, my high sex drive was a big factor. I’ve always been a very sexual person, and porn allows me to explore and express that side of myself fully. Plus, I love the creativity and excitement that comes with performing. Every scene is a new adventure!

Model Memoir: Were there other career paths you considered before?
Nelly Kent: Honestly, not really. Once I discovered the adult industry, I felt like I’d found my calling. It just felt right for me, you know? I’m the kind of person who follows my instincts, and my instincts were screaming “This is it!”

Model Memoir: That’s awesome that you found your passion. How was your debut as an actress? Were you nervous?
Nelly Kent: Oh my god, I was so excited! Surprisingly, I wasn’t really nervous. I think all my webcamming experience helped me feel comfortable in front of the camera. My debut was perfect, and I enjoyed every minute of it. It just confirmed that I’d made the right choice.

Model Memoir: That’s great that it went so well! How did you prepare for your first scene, and what advice would you give to newcomers?
Nelly Kent: For newcomers, my biggest piece of advice would be to sign with a reputable agent first. Ask them every single question that pops into your head, no matter how silly it might seem. Also, talk to experienced performers who’ve been in the industry for a while. They’re a goldmine of information and can give you insights you won’t get anywhere else.

As for preparation, I made sure I was well-rested and feeling my best. I also did a lot of research about what to expect on set. Knowledge is power, especially in this industry!

Model Memoir: That’s excellent advice. What’s your favorite part about being in the porn industry?
Nelly Kent: There are so many things I love about it! One of the best parts is the platform it gives me to educate people about sex and sexuality. I also love that I can use my earnings to support charities around the world. It feels amazing to be able to give back and make a difference. And let’s be honest, the money isn’t bad either! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Nelly Kent talking about adult industry.

Model Memoir: That’s really admirable. Is there anything you don’t like about the industry, and how do you handle it?
Nelly Kent: Like any job, there are challenges. Sometimes the long hours can be tiring, and dealing with negative stereotypes about the industry can be frustrating. But I handle it by focusing on the positives and reminding myself why I love what I do. Having a strong support system of friends and colleagues in the industry also helps a lot.

Model Memoir: That’s a great attitude to have. Now, let’s get a bit more specific. What’s your favorite position to perform on camera?
Nelly Kent: Ooh, that’s easy โ€“ doggy style all the way! There’s just something about it that feels so primal and sexy. Plus, it’s great for the camera angles. ๐Ÿ˜

Model Memoir: Are there any positions that are particularly challenging?
Nelly Kent: Most positions aren’t too challenging for me at this point. The one that can be tricky is double anal. It’s not so much the physical aspect, but more about getting everything positioned just right for the camera. It takes some coordination, but when you nail it, the results are pretty spectacular!

Model Memoir: Interesting! Do you prefer filming lesbian scenes or boy/girl scenes?
Nelly Kent: I love doing both, but if I had to choose, I’d say boy/girl scenes are my favorite. That being said, I really do enjoy each type of scene for different reasons. They each bring out different aspects of my sexuality and allow me to explore various desires and fantasies.

Model Memoir: What do you enjoy most about each type of scene?
Nelly Kent: With boy/girl scenes, I love the raw energy and passion. There’s something so primal about it that really gets me going. For lesbian scenes, I enjoy the softness and sensuality. It’s a different kind of intimacy that’s equally exciting in its own way. Both types of scenes allow me to tap into different parts of my sexuality, which keeps things interesting and fun!

Model Memoir: That’s a great perspective. What’s the kinkiest request you’ve received from a client or scene partner?
Nelly Kent: Oh, I’ve had some wild requests! ๐Ÿ˜‚ The kinkiest was probably when I was asked to be tied up and be completely submissive to my dominator. I was a bit nervous at first, but it turned out to be an incredible experience. It opened up a whole new world of BDSM for me, and now I love exploring that side of my sexuality.

Nelly Kent posing in a black evening dress.

Model Memoir: Wow, that sounds intense! How did you handle it, and what was the experience like?
Nelly Kent: It was definitely intense, but in the best way possible! I made sure to discuss boundaries and safe words with my partner beforehand, which helped me feel secure. During the scene, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed surrendering control. It was liberating in a way I hadn’t expected. After that experience, I found myself wanting to explore more BDSM scenes. It’s amazing how trying new things can unlock hidden desires!

Model Memoir: That’s really interesting. How do you prepare for particularly intense or kinky scenes?
Nelly Kent: For anal scenes, I always do enemas to make sure I’m clean and comfortable. For other intense scenes, I’ve been in the industry long enough now that I don’t need too much special preparation. I mostly do hardcore scenes these days, so it’s become pretty routine for me. The most important thing is getting good sleep and rest before any scene. A well-rested performer is a happy performer!

Model Memoir: Do you have any specific routines or mental preparations?
Nelly Kent: You know, I used to have all these rituals and mental prep routines when I first started. But now, I find that keeping things simple works best for me. I make sure I’m well-rested, I eat a light, energizing meal, and I take some time to center myself before the scene. Sometimes I’ll do some light stretching or meditation if I’m feeling a bit tense. But mostly, I just focus on getting into a positive, excited headspace. The enthusiasm comes naturally when you love what you do!

Model Memoir: That’s a great approach. What’s your favorite type of role-play or fantasy scene?
Nelly Kent: Ooh, that’s a tough one! I really enjoy scenes where I get to play a powerful, confident character. Maybe a boss seducing an employee, or a teacher with a naughty student. There’s something really fun about stepping into those roles and owning that sense of authority and seduction.

Model Memoir: How do you get into character, and what makes these scenes exciting for you?
Nelly Kent: Getting into character is all about embodying that confidence and power. I’ll often spend some time before the scene thinking about how this character would move, speak, and carry themselves. What makes it exciting is the transformation โ€“ becoming someone else for a little while and exploring different facets of sexuality through that character. It’s like being an actor in a sexy play!

Model Memoir: That sounds like a lot of fun! Have you ever had a scene that involved multiple partners?
Nelly Kent: Oh yes, I’ve done quite a few multi-partner scenes. They’re always an exciting challenge! The energy on set during these scenes is incredible. Everyone’s there to have great sex and create an amazing scene that viewers will love. It’s like a big, sexy party!

Model Memoir: Wos, now that sounds intense! And how do you manage the dynamics in such scenes?
Nelly Kent: Communication is key in multi-partner scenes. Before we start filming, we all talk about what we’re comfortable with and what we’re excited to try. During the scene, it’s all about being aware of everyone’s position and making sure everyone’s getting equal attention. It’s like a sexy dance where you have to be in tune with multiple partners at once. It can be challenging, but when everyone’s in sync, it’s an incredible experience!

Model Memoir: That’s fascinating. Is there something that you refuse to do in a scene?
Nelly Kent: Absolutely. I think it’s crucial for every performer to have clear boundaries. For me, I don’t do anything involving bodily waste or extreme pain. I’m also not comfortable with scenes that involve non-consent scenarios. It’s important to me that everything I do is clearly consensual and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Model Memoir: How do you set your boundaries, and have they changed over time?
Nelly Kent: Setting boundaries is all about knowing yourself and communicating clearly. I always discuss my limits with my agent and the production team before agreeing to a scene. Over time, my boundaries have evolved a bit. As I’ve become more experienced, I’ve become more open to trying new things, but I’ve also become more confident in saying no to things that don’t feel right for me. It’s all about growing and learning what works for you.

Model Memoir: That’s a really healthy approach. What was your most challenging scene and how did you overcome it?
Nelly Kent: The most challenging scene I’ve ever done was definitely anal fisting. It was my first and last time doing it. It’s an incredibly intense experience, and while I’m glad I tried it, I realized it’s not really my thing sexually. But I believe in giving things a shot at least once if I’m curious about them.

Model Memoir: Wow, that does sound intense. What did you learn from that experience?
Nelly Kent: I learned a lot from that scene. First, I gained a deeper understanding of my own limits and preferences. It reinforced the importance of being honest with myself about what I enjoy and what I don’t. I also learned the value of pushing my boundaries in a safe, controlled environment. Even though I decided not to do it again, I’m proud of myself for trying something new and challenging. It’s all part of the journey of self-discovery in this industry.

Model Memoir: That’s a great perspective. How do you handle the physical demands of long shooting days?
Nelly Kent: It can definitely be demanding! I do a lot of running to stay in shape, which helps with stamina. I also focus on eating well and getting plenty of rest. Sleep is incredibly important in this job โ€“ you need to have a fit body, but also be mentally rested and relaxed. I try to treat my body like an athlete would, because in many ways, that’s what we are in this industry!

Model Memoir: Do you have a fitness routine that helps you stay in shape?
Nelly Kent: Absolutely! As I mentioned, running is a big part of my routine. I try to run at least 3-4 times a week. I also do yoga for flexibility and to help with relaxation. In terms of diet, I focus on eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. And of course, staying hydrated is crucial. It’s all about finding a balance that keeps me feeling energized and confident on set.

Model Memoir: That’s a great routine. What’s your favorite part about interacting with your fans?
Nelly Kent: Oh, I love my fans! They’re the best. ๐Ÿ˜Š One of my favorite things is when fans buy some of my merchandise, like clothing sets or signed polaroids, and then send me pictures of them wearing the clothes or showing how they’ve displayed the polaroids. It’s so touching to see that I’ve made that kind of impact on someone’s life.

Model Memoir: Do you have any memorable fan interactions?
Nelly Kent: There are so many! I always love when fans come up to me for autographs or pictures. It’s such a surreal and wonderful feeling. One time, a fan showed me a tattoo they’d gotten of my signature. That was mind-blowing! Another time, a couple told me that watching my scenes together had helped reignite the passion in their relationship. Moments like those remind me why I love what I do.

Model Memoir: That’s really sweet. How do you maintain your privacy while being a public figure in the adult industry?
Nelly Kent: It’s definitely a balancing act. I keep my personal life very separate from my professional life -I have private social media accounts that are just for friends and family from my personal life. I never mix those with people from the industry, no matter how close we might be professionally.

Model Memoir: What strategies do you use to protect your personal life?
Nelly Kent: I’m very careful about what information I share publicly. I use a stage name, of course, and I’m cautious about revealing details about my family or where I live. I also make sure to have strong boundaries between my personal and professional relationships. It’s important to have a space where you can just be yourself, away from the public eye.

Model Memoir: That’s smart. Have you ever faced any stigma or judgment because of your career? How did you handle it?
Nelly Kent: Of course, like most people in this industry, I’ve faced some judgment. But at the end of the day, I’m comfortable with my choices and I don’t let other people’s opinions disturb me. I believe everyone has the right to free speech, just as I have the right to live my life the way I choose. I focus on the positive aspects of my career and the support I receive from fans and colleagues.

Model Memoir: What support systems do you have in place?
Nelly Kent: I’m fortunate to have a great support system. I have close friends both in and out of the industry who understand and support my choices. My agent is also fantastic and always has my back. And of course, the support from my fans means the world to me. Having people who believe in you and encourage you is crucial in any career, but especially in one that can sometimes face stigma.

Model Memoir: That’s wonderful that you have such good support. What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Nelly Kent: There are so many rewarding aspects! This job has given me the opportunity to travel the world, meet amazing people, and build a huge fan base. I’ve had experiences I never dreamed of before entering this industry. But beyond that, I love that I can use my platform to educate people about sex and sexuality. It feels great to be able to contribute to breaking down taboos and promoting a healthier, more open attitude towards sex.

Model Memoir: Can you share a specific moment that made you feel particularly proud?
Nelly Kent: There was one time when a fan reached out to tell me that my openness about sexuality had helped them accept themselves and their desires. They said watching my interviews and scenes had given them the courage to explore their own sexuality without shame. Moments like that, when I realize I’m making a positive impact on someone’s life, make me incredibly proud of what I do.

Model Memoir: That’s really powerful. How do you stay informed about industry trends and changes?
Nelly Kent: I’m always trying to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the industry. I read every article I can find, whether it’s specifically about porn or just related to sex and sexuality in general. Being active on social media is also crucial โ€“ it helps me stay connected with fans and colleagues, and it’s a great way to spot emerging trends.

Model Memoir: Have any recent trends caught your attention?
Nelly Kent: Lately, I’ve been really interested in the rise of ethical porn and the growing focus on performer wellness. There’s been a lot of discussion about fair pay, safe working conditions, and consent in the industry. I think it’s a really positive direction that benefits everyone โ€“ performers, producers, and viewers alike.

Model Memoir: That’s great that the industry is moving in that direction. How can your fans follow you on social media?
Nelly Kent: I love connecting with my fans! You can find me on Twitter at @nellykent51 and on Instagram at @nellykentbths. I try to post regularly and interact with my followers as much as possible.

Model Memoir: How do you engage with your fans online, and what’s your favorite platform?
Nelly Kent: I engage with fans in various ways. As for my favorite platform, I’d say it’s a tie between Twitter and Instagram. Twitter is great for quick updates and interactions, while Instagram allows me to share more visual content. I love both for different reasons!


Wow, Nelly, it’s been an absolute pleasure having you on the show! Your candor and enthusiasm are truly infectious. It’s clear that you’re not just passionate about your work, but also about using your platform to educate and make a positive impact. From your journey as a webcam girl to becoming a successful porn actress, you’ve shown that following your instincts and staying true to yourself can lead to a fulfilling career.

Your insights into the industry, from the challenges of multi-partner scenes to the importance of maintaining boundaries, offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of adult entertainment. It’s refreshing to hear about the positive aspects of the industry, like the supportive community and the opportunities for personal growth and exploration.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Nelly. Your story is a testament to the power of embracing your sexuality and following your passions, regardless of societal judgments. To all our readers out there, remember: life’s too short not to pursue what makes you happy.

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