Welcome to another spicy episode of Euro X News, where we dive into the world of the European adult industry and bring you closer to some of its most intriguing stars. Today, our host, the charismatic Tommy Sy, sits down (virtually!) with the one and only Proxy Paige.
Proxy’s journey into adult entertainment is anything but ordinary – from accidental beginnings in the industry to exploring her alter ego, she’s seen it all. In this candid chat, she opens up about what it means to work in porn, the ups and downs of navigating a global industry, and the surprising things she’s learned along the way. Prepare for laughs, revelations, and a whole lot of honesty as Proxy shares her unique perspective with us.
Get cozy, grab a snack, and enjoy the show!
Tommy Sy: Hey, Proxy! Oh, and I see a little cat in the background. 😺
Proxy Paige: Oh, yeah! I wasn’t sure if this was going to be a video call or not, but I came prepared either way. He might pop in to say hello. 😊
Tommy Sy: So, here we are. First question – who is Proxy Paige? Where do you come from, and how did you end up in this industry?
Proxy Paige: Well, Proxy Paige is like an entity I created, but I’ve recently realized it’s not so much an alter ego as it is just a big part of me. I used to think Proxy and Naomi (my real self) were separate, but they’re actually more alike than I thought. I originally created Proxy as an alias, but it’s really just another side of who I am.
I grew up all over the U.S., but I’m originally from North Dakota. I got into porn by accident, actually! It all started with my best friend at the time, Lily LeBeau. She was a high-fashion model in New York, but when she moved back to Arizona, she started looking for other paying modeling gigs. She accidentally sent her portfolio to the wrong agency – it was an adult agency! They replied like, “We’re not the kind of agency you think we are, but we’d love to represent you.” She told me about it, and I was like, “If you do it, I’ll do it.” So, yeah, we both ended up in the industry kind of by mistake. 😅
Tommy Sy: And how old were you back then when you started?
Proxy Paige: She was 18, and I was 19.
Tommy Sy: Okay. What were your first impressions of the business? Was it what you expected, or was it totally different?
Proxy Paige: There was definitely a learning curve! It’s not exactly what you expect – those bright lights in your face, the cameras, being naked… It’s a rush, for sure. I got into it partly because I used to work at a porn shop and would watch a lot of content there. Evil Angel was my go-to company. I loved watching Rocco Siffredi and Bella Donna and all the wild things they were doing. It was like a circus of hardcore, crazy stuff.
When I got into porn, I knew I wanted to be part of that. I tried a few different things with an agency, but I quickly realized that the “mainstream” scenes weren’t for me. I wanted to do what I couldn’t experience at home, you know? So yeah, I think I was ready for the industry – it felt like a safe, constructive space where I could explore all these things I was already interested in. 😊
Tommy Sy: And what do you think? How demanding is it to be a porn actress?
Proxy Paige: You definitely have to have a certain mindset for it because it’s not for everyone. Some people get into it for the money, the fame, whatever, but it’s more than that. I’ve seen people try to do it, but their bodies or minds couldn’t handle it, whether it’s physically or mentally. It’s like any physically demanding job – not everyone’s body is cut out for it. Some people are made for it, though, and it just depends on who you are. You have to know yourself, at least a bit, before jumping in. If you’re unsure if it’s right for you, then it probably isn’t. But for some, it’s perfect.
Tommy Sy: So, you moved from the States to Europe a few years ago, right? How did that happen?
Proxy Paige: Yeah, it’s been about eight years now. I originally came out here because I wanted to try something besides porn – I wanted to get into music. All my favorite music was in Europe, so I ended up in Amsterdam. But it was hard to get a foothold in the music scene there. It’s pretty competitive with venues and everything. So, after a while, I went back to porn.
It was a different scene out here compared to the U.S. – especially for an alternative girl like me. Back then, in Europe, they preferred the more “natural” look. Big tattoos and curvy bodies weren’t as popular. But I ended up getting into the production side, starting with Legal Porno. I worked in their office for a bit, then moved on to being a camera person. From there, I got to shoot for Evil Angel, and now I shoot all over. So, yeah, it worked out. 😎

Tommy Sy: What’s the biggest difference between European and American productions now that you’ve worked in both?
Proxy Paige: There’s a lot of differences, actually. In the U.S., everything is super regulated because of the government. Standards are high, and productions are very professional. In Europe, things can be a bit more relaxed – not in a bad way, just more casual. Some European productions are big and elaborate, like Rocco Siffredi’s sets, which feel very American. But for me, I prefer the European style. It’s more laid-back, and I like to keep my shoots personal, almost like “professional-amateur” style. I want it to feel real and organic, not overproduced.
Tommy Sy: Let’s talk a bit about social media and its impact on the industry.
Proxy Paige: It’s not just social media – it’s all media in general. Media has such a huge influence on people and society. And now, with woke culture and everything, it feels like things have flipped in the last 10 years. There’s cancel culture, and people use media to tear each other down. It’s like everyone’s exaggerating for attention, and that’s damaging to industries, not just ours.
I wish social media could just be a marketing tool, like it should be. But now it’s become a platform for people to argue and rip each other apart. It’s exhausting. I miss the days when you could make fun of each other, and it was all in good fun without all this negativity. The media kind of plays into that hate, creating divides that weren’t even there before. It’s really toxic.
Tommy Sy: Yeah, journalism is the same. Nowadays, it’s all about ratings and pushing agendas.
Proxy Paige: Exactly! Everything is about agendas now. It’s all about making a small group of people happy and shutting down anyone who disagrees. It’s insane. People are getting death threats just for voicing their opinions online. It feels like the world is upside down.
Tommy Sy: So, what advice would you give young girls who want to get into this business today?
Proxy Paige: Don’t be stupid. Seriously. If you’re going to sell your body for money, know what you’re doing. Be in control. I always tell this story: I was working with this girl who had no idea where she was shooting or who she’d be working with. I told her, “It’s your responsibility to know what you’re getting into.”
If you’re new, ask questions. Know who you’re working with, what company it is, what kind of scenes they do. Do your research, or ask your agent for details. Manage yourself well, because this can be a real career if you play it right. Protect yourself, make your own rules, and remember you have the right to say no.
Tommy Sy: Exactly, and no one should ever force you into anything.
Proxy Paige: Absolutely. If there’s something you don’t want to do, don’t do it. Consent is a big deal in our industry. You can’t say yes to something in the morning and then regret it by evening. You’re responsible for your choices as an adult. This industry is professional in so many ways, and while there are ups and downs, that’s true for any job.
Tommy Sy: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Proxy Paige: Hopefully, living in Montenegro! 😄 I feel like I’ve reached a peak in my career. I’ve done performing, started a production, and worked on tons of projects. I’m pretty content with what I’ve achieved. I’ve even shot scenes with Rocco Siffredi, which was amazing – going from a fan to a colleague. Now, I’m just excited to see what’s next.
Tommy Sy: I remember seeing you shoot with Rocco! That was unforgettable.
Proxy Paige: It really was. We hit it off right away, and now we’re shooting for the same companies. I’m rubbing elbows with the best! 😄
Tommy Sy: Thank you, Proxy, for this fantastic interview. It was a pleasure, and I hope to see you soon.
Proxy Paige: Thank you so much! I really enjoyed it. 😊
This chat with Proxy Paige gave us a raw, unfiltered look into the realities of the adult industry—from her unique take on professionalism to how she keeps things authentic on and off camera. Her insights remind us that the adult world isn’t just about what you see on screen; it’s a blend of artistry, grit, and unapologetic honesty.
Huge thanks to BrillBabes for supporting this interview. We hope you enjoyed this peek behind the scenes with one of the most authentic voices in the business!
Craving more insider scoop? Dive into these interviews next! 👀